Regular Verb Conjugation

Repaso (Review):


All Spanish verbs are either “regular” or “irregular.” In this lesson we will look at three completely regular verbs:

hablar (to speak)
comer (to eat)
vivir (to live)

Notice the last two letters of each verb.

hablar (to speak)
comer (to eat)
vivir (to live)

There are three categories of verbs:

-ar verbs (like hablar)
-er verbs (like comer)
-ir verbs (like vivir)

All three categories are infinitives. You will recall from a previous lesson that infinitives are the base form of the verb, equivalent in English to: to speak, to eat, to live, etc. In Spanish, all infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir.

Present simple endings Present simple of hablar Meaning: to speak
-o (yo) hablo I speak
-as (tú) hablas you speak
-a (él/ella) habla he/she/it speaks
(usted) habla you speak
-amos (nosotros/nosotras) hablamos we speak
-áis (vosotros/vosotras) habláis you speak
-an (ellos/ellas) hablan
(ustedes) hablan
they speak
you speak

Here are the regular verb endings:


-ar verb
hablar (to speak)

-er verb
comer (to eat)

-ir verb
vivir (to live)

Remember what it means to conjugate a verb:

"Make the verb agree with the subject!"

to speak

I speak
you speak
he speaks
she speaks
we speak
you-all speak
they speak

In this lesson, you will learn to conjugate our model verbs for I, you (formal), we, and you-all (formal).

hablar – to speak

yo hablo
I speak
usted habla
you speak
nosotros/as hablamos
we speak
ustedes hablan
you-all speak

comer – to eat

yo como
I eat
usted come
you eat
nosotros/as comemos
we eat
ustedes comen
you-all eat

vivir – to live

yo vivo
I live
usted vive
you live
nosotros/as vivimos
we live
ustedes viven
you-all live

Look for a pattern in the yo form.

yo hablo
yo como
yo vivo

If the subject is I (yo), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -o.

yo hablo (hablar – ar + o = hablo)
yo como (comer – er + o = como)
yo vivo (vivir – ir + o = vivo)

Look for a pattern in the usted form.

usted habla
usted come
usted vive

If the subject is you formal (usted) drop the ending and add either -a or -e. If the verb is an -ar verb, add -a. If it is an -er or -ir verb, add -e.

usted habla (hablar – ar + a = habla)
usted come (comer – er + e = come)
usted vive (vivir – ir + e = vive)

Look for a pattern in the nosotros/as form.

nosotros/as hablamos
nosotros/as comemos
nosotros/as vivimos

If the subject is we (nosotros/as), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -amos, -emos, or -imos.

Notice that the ending of the infinitive determines which is used: -ar verbs add -amos, -er verbs add -emos, -ir verbs add -imos.

nosotros/as hablamos
(hablar – ar + amos = hablamos)

nosotros/as comemos
(comer – er + emos = comemos)

nosotros/as vivimos
(vivir – ir + imos = vivimos)

Look for a pattern in the ustedes form.

ustedes hablan
ustedes comen
ustedes viven

If the subject is you-all (ustedes), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -an or -en. If the verb is an -ar verb, add -an. If it is an -er or an -ir verb, add -en.

ustedes hablan
(hablar – ar + an = hablan)

ustedes comen
(comer – er + en = comen)

ustedes viven
(vivir – ir + en = viven)

Present tense (indicative) in Spanish means three things.

  1. Yo hablo inglés:

    I speak English.
    I do speak English.
    I am speaking English.

  2. Yo como pan:

    I eat bread.
    I do eat bread.
    I am eating bread.

  3. Yo vivo en Buenos Aires:

    I live in Buenos Aires.
    I do live in Buenos Aires.
    I am living in Buenos Aires.

It is vital that you continue with your collection of verb flashcards. This will be your key to success in mastering the Spanish verbs. Continue by creating 4 additional cards, writing the words in bold on one side and the conjugations on the other side:

COMPLETE LIST Links to an external site.

Present Indicative

I speak
I do speak
I am speaking

hablar (to speak)


comer (to eat)


vivir (to live)


Source and practice links: Links to an external site.

The Spanish pronouns song:

Los pronombre españoles Links to an external site.Los pronombre españoles

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10 Common, Regular AR Verbs Links to an external site.10 Common, Regular AR Verbs

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Present Tense, Regular IR Verb Conjugation Links to an external site.Present Tense, Regular IR Verb Conjugation

Fun with IR Verbs in Spanish Links to an external site.Fun with IR Verbs in Spanish

Spanish Conjugation Style (Mr. Simonsen) Links to an external site.Spanish Conjugation Style (Mr. Simonsen)


CUIDADO- Asistir = to attend an event; atender= to assist someone.

The 40 most commonly used Spanish verbs can be found here: Links to an external site. 

The top 100 regular verbs in Spanish can be found here: Links to an external site.ish/verbs/regular-verbs/  Links to an external site.