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La Universidad Speaking
La Universidad Speaking
Criteria Ratings Pts
Description of criterion
In this activity you will share what you wrote in the writing section.  Focus on your pronunciation more than anything.  Do your best.
threshold: pts
10 pts
Student might make a little mistake but work is virtually flawless. A native Spanish speaker would not have an issue understanding at all.
9 pts
Really good
Student might make a couple of errors. A native Spanish speaker would be able to understand the student very well.
8 pts
Student makes several errors, but student would still be understood ok by a native Spanish speaker.
7 pts
There are quite a few errors. A native Spanish speaker might struggle to understand the meaning, but message could be communicated.
0 pts
No Marks
There are too many errors. A native Spanish speaker would not be able to understand what is being conveyed or would lose interest and not have the patience to try to understand.
10 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10